A new video with some naked and blurred (like they are buffering) pornstars trying to explain net neutrality is in the news. They are naked, but it’s censored so they can be featured on mainstream / non-porn sites like funny or die, and have made it to big tech portals like gizmodo and even cnbc news ( Net neutrality explained by…porn stars at CNBC News Site ). I think it’s great that people are using sex and popular porn girls to get the word out about something people need to pay attention to and contact their representatives to chime in on the issue.
Another group made a similar video that we posted about a while back – www.sexchatsexchat.com/blog/2014/amateur-sex-on-youtube-for-net-neutrality/ and this issue is still being debated.
I think this issue is showing that even with thousands of people leaving comments on the web site of the FCC demanding things are fair for small web sites, that there are people in the US congress who are still trying to make it so the big companies like At&t and comcast can push their own rules. President Obama recently made a statement saying the net should stay neutral – but others in power are trying to make a case that it would better to let the big content providers have fast lanes.
The pornstars video is a nice way to bring some attention to the issue, but it does not really get into the details of what the heck all this really means. I found a recent breakdown about this issue via gawker here: What Is Net Neutrality And Why Should I Care? The Non-Geek’s Guide
While there are many aspects to this debate, one thing that strikes a cord with me, and the users of scsc should consider, is that giving the big companies access to internet fast lanes may slow down the connections that small video portals and video chat portals have. So big money businesses will have fast video, yet when you go to watch some porn, or do some video chat you may keep getting the crumpled / pixelated “buffering please wait”, that could be avoided if the services were paying premium money to various providers. There are many other issues to this debate of course, but this is something that I think people should consider.
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While we are at it, maybe we should ask our representatives (in several countries) to stop recording all of our text and video chats.