We have made a few updates to the sex chat peeps section the past week or so. Today we changed how profiles display when you first click on someone’s name. Now when you click over to someone’s profile, their actual profile information is displayed. In the past when you clicked someone’s avatar picture it went straight to a page listing their activity, and you had the option to click the profile tab to see profile details.
This always drove me crazy, and I think most people are used to seeing the profile first, on sites like myspace and facebook, this is essentially what you have. Now the profile is displayed by default, and you can click an activity tab to see public activity.
We have also upgraded the media uploads, and tried to migrate any previously uploaded pictures people had. I think the migration / conversion was successful, but have not heard feedback from many of the users to double check. So previous photo uploads may or may not be affected. If you had links to photos uploaded to the peeps section before Oct 15 2013, then you may need to update those links. Any new pictures, audio, or video uploaded to the sex chat peeps profiles will be handled by our new media uploader / albums creator. This new system for adding and viewing pictures should be a little fancier than our previous one, and will have some more added features hopefully in the near future.
We have now also given users the ability to create their own blog withing the peeps section. Before when people added a blog post it was all part of a shared / group blog. Now the system will allow those who are interested in having more control over how their own blog posts will appear will get that ability. More on the blog / new site setups coming soon.
Planning to make some tutorials to show how to use the new media uploader, the new ‘create your own site / blog’, and how to use the new pin share gifs section at some point as well. Stay tuned for more and more!