FINALLY! It’s been a lot of work and way over due, and actually it’s not done yet, but today we are back online with the Xirta chat system.
You will need to create a new user/pass/email with this relaunched system – more about that and prev data below.
Consider this a test and an experiment at this point. Things will change. Some things will be added soon, some later. Some things will be removed soon, and maybe later. (the voice chat system is already on the probable chopping block, along with the video chat option.
Some may see buttons for video, voice, stickers, and all sorts of things that will likely be changed or removed as I finish buttoning up the other important stuff as we work out some kinks and prepare for the sharing of more kinks I hope!
The system that came alive online today has much stronger backend supports, a newer code base for several security things, and a few other tweaks. Oh my, we’ll need to talk about spaces and, oh so many things.
Anyway, it’s a start finally.
Looking for feedback, let me know what ya’ll find could be better and let others know what is different and how to navigate all the things of course.
There will be updates to our privacy policy and other navigation changes for the site as a whole.
I still have not given up home for getting out past data back into the system, but the outlook for that is bleak to say the least. I’ve been paying several hundred dollars each month to keep the data stored and trying multiple ways to clean up the database so it could be used, but I may have to let that go at this point, not 100% sure yet.
I also have to change out the theming for the blog and peeps section, and well there is quite a list of big-work things on the agenda., along with all the other updates that pop up because reasons.
So I’m on it, and hope to have more stuff open to and coming to the public view sooner than later. Stay tuned!
The Xirta Chat System is open on the revamped java chat page here.
Soon I’ll bring the chat to other pages and update navigation and pointer pages and such here and there and anywhere folks remind me to update!
Any way you can make it work in incognito mode?