Sex Chat SexChat
Double your pleasure with twice the sexy chat options.
The sex chat rooms for women.
Girls get their own chat rooms page.
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The OC chat aka old chat or original chat been transformed into our Xirta Chat system: Xirta Chat Rooms Page
We also have a text chat room in the peeps section; PT chat is in the peeps section click here. The PT chat system works with mobile devices and integrated with profiles from the peeps social profiles section including avatars and more.
Several ladies have been asking for a chat page that was not so overtly sexual in order to use the chat rooms in places where they may have others peek over thier shoulders.
Hope everyone enjoys this less-pornographic page!
Things will move around with different screen sizes here, so if you have a large monitor you will see ads to the right. However if you shrink your browser window then the chat box gets most of the room on the page, the graphics get moved down the page, and things get less sexual on the main screen if you scroll down just right.
I do not condone using our sex chat rooms at work or public places like cafes, however I do try to make women more happy if I can. I think this page finds a good balance of sexy without being overly sexual when you make the browser window the medium size.
Hopefully the women who were suggesting this option will enjoy it!